Hand with digital pen

Sign for new politics!

To be eligible to run for elections, we must collect enough signatures from citizens in each electoral district. Your support in endorsing us in your electoral district would greatly contribute to this effort. See below for further instructions.

Select your place of residence (electoral district):

I live in Belgium as a European citizen without Belgian nationality

I live in Brussels Capital Region (BE national)

I live in the Province of Antwerp (BE national)

I live in the Province of Flemish Brabant (BE national)

I live in Flanders (elsewhere) (BE national)

I live in Wallonia (anywhere) (BE national)

I live in Ostbelgien (BE national)

I am a Belgian outside Belgium


Click here if you have technical issues endorsing.

To endorse us, you can either sign online with itsme® or your eID card reader.

If you are unable to sign the endorsements online, please contact us via [email protected].

Read more about Volt and our policies here and about our candidates here.

When endorsing, please consider the following:

  • You are allowed to endorse Volt for each distinct election (EU, Federal, Regional) in which you have the right to vote in your electoral district.

  • When you endorse Volt by signing, you do NOT commit to anything. You are only giving Volt permission to take part in the elections. Your signature will be destroyed and discarded by the administration once the list has been formed and accepted.

  • You can only endorse one list for each distinct election (EU, Federal, Regional).

Endorsement user manual by the government (NL)


I don't have the Belgian nationality, but I am a European Citizen living in Belgium

Under certain conditions, European citizen residents are allowed to vote for the European Parliament in Belgium! This means you can also endorse our lists for the European Parliament elections.

To be able to vote in Belgium you have to register (online), for more info: https://europeanelections.belgium.be/node/111305

The application for registration must be made by 31 March 2024 at the latest. After your application has been approved, you can also endorse our lists!

Belgian outside Belgium

I have Belgian nationality, but I do not reside in Belgium

As a Belgian citizen living outside Belgium, you can support a list of candidates under the following conditions:

  • You are eligible to vote,

  • You are registered at a consular post,

  • Your Belgian municipality of attachment is part of the electoral district or college in which the list of candidates you wish to support is running. This is usually the municipality where you have lived in Belgium before, but it can be different.

On the endorsement form, you may provide your address abroad.

Voting as a 16-18 years old

Since 21 December 2023, a new law has allowed 16- and 17-year-old citizens to vote in the European Parliament elections.

More info (link NL) - More info (link FR)

… a vote for tomorrow, not for yesterday